J Vasc Interv Radiol2023 Oct.
大腿膝窩動脈疾患の長区間治療における薬剤コーティングバルーンの効果:BIOLUX P-III SPAINとBIOLUX P-III All-Comers Registryの長区間病変サブグループのプール解析
Drug Coated Balloon for the Treatment of Long Segment Femoropopliteal Artery Disease: Pooled Analysis from BIOLUX P-III SPAIN and BIOLUX P-III All-Comers Registry Long Lesion Subgroup.
Gregorio MA, Brodmann M, Martinez Ruiz E, Manteca JC, Ruiz Salmeron R, Munoz Ruiz-Canela JJ, Trujillo IG, Tepe G